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Kis Piano Lesson

If you are reading this, I assume that you are interested in starting your kid to learn piano. Every information for kids piano lesson is located on the right page.



Correct posture is crucial from the start in order to develop piano teachnique. Wrist, forearm and fingertips, elbow and shoulder are part of body involved in piano playing. 


Read on our top featured article on 6 real benefits on kid's piano lesson. 

Here are some of the frequently asked questions by our parents. 

What Your Child Will Learn In The Beginner Course? 

  • Proper posture and hand position.

  • Correct fingering and proper technique. 

  • Recognize notes and associating with pitches

  • Appreciate music in fun way with pieces associated with famous composers. 

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Hоw Old Should I Sіgn Up Mу Chіld For Lessons?

The kids piano course is recommended for children of about 5 years old. We know the parents would want their children to start learning piano immediately they are up to 2 years old, but 4-5 will be better for individual piano lesson, because at that age they can understand and learn better. 


I Don't Have A Piano At Home. Can I Still Sign Up For Lessons? 

Yes, you can start your lessons first. A piano at home would allow the child to practice what he has learnt. However, it might be costly to get a piano at the start. Hence, you might want to consider to get a weighted digital piano. We can advise you on that. 


Can I Try Out One Month Lesson? 

Yes. You may try out lessons for one month which is 4 lessons before you decide to follow the teacher permanently. 

The purpose of arranging one month lesson is to meet your piano teacher and to get a sense of teacher's teaching approach and teacher will be able to access student's playing. 


Durаtіоn And Rates 

Duration: 30 or 45 minutes

30 minutes lesson suitable for 4 to 5 years old kids

45 minutes lesson suitable for kids above 5 years old


Rates are based are based on experience and location of the lessons. The rate of having lesson at teacher's home studio is always lower compare to at your comfort's home. Once we receive your request, we will connect you to a teacher as well as inform you about the rates.   


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